Patient Stories
The first patient was enrolled in the trial in 2020. Quantitative data is currently unavailable, as recruitment is ongoing, but we have seen clear positive on the patients who have been/is currently enrolled in the trial.
Some of the most remarkable outcomes is Cille, who gained control of/lost her most malevolent voice of the 8 voices she hears daily. Vibeke has been voice-free since the therapy after hearing voices for 27 years and Mark, who’s voices became mosquitoes in his head, that he can fan away if he needs to. In general, the patients enrolled in the trial has experienced more control over their life and their head as an outcome of the therapy.
Patient Quotes
What does the press say?
Patient with schizophrenia has eight people in her head – now she shuts them up in cyberspace
Every single day, 22-year-old Cille has to fight against the voices in her head. But Cille is now taking part in a brand new experiment where Danes with schizophrenia can meet the people in their heads in virtual reality. Article is translated from Danish.

Three regions are testing new forms of treatment
Researchers are experimenting with Virtual Reality as a tool for treating mental ilnesses such as phobias, psychoses, and posttraumatic stress. Article is translated from Danish

Virtual Reality is going to help schizophrenia patients fight the voices in their heads
A new form of treatment aims to make it easier for patients with severe auditory hallucinations to control the distressing voices they hear. The VR headsets are being tested in the Capital Region, North Region and South Region in Denmark. Article is translated from Danish.
Patient Board

Vibeke B. Andersen

Cille Jutta Storgaard

Anne Rasmussen
Contact us

Helena Blazinic
Project Manager - Clinical Trials
+45 91 85 16 92